Getting Started
February 1st through February 29th, 2025, is the Marysville School District’s Annual In-District Transfer month for 1st grade - 5th grade. March 1st through May 31st, 2025, is the the Annual In-District Transfer time for Kindergarten.
To ensure you are entered into the lottery please complete the online forms for registration as well as an in-district transfer form.
If you are unable to submit your paperwork during the Annual In-District Transfer month or would like to inquire about mid-year transfer options, please see the process for admission below.
For Kindergarten through 5th grade registration:
If you wish to have your student attend MCEP, please complete the Marysville School District registration. If your student is already part of Marysville School District, only an in-district transfer form is required.
To ensure you are in the lottery please make sure to have ALL documents turned in during the Annual In-district Transfer month.
Submitting paperwork after the Transfer Period
If you were unable to submit your paperwork during the In-District Transfer Month you are still able to apply. You will need to submit all required documents referenced above. Once your paperwork has been received you will be put on a waitlist, after lottery families, on a first come first served basis.
Mid-year transfer requests
We do accept mid-year transfer requests on a case by case basis. Please contact us at
Currently Enrolled with Incoming Kindergarten Sibling
If you are currently enrolled in MCEP and have an incoming Kindergarten sibling, please register your new student with the district. These must be turned in during the Annual In-district transfer month in order to receive sibling placement.
If you live outside of Marysville School District’s boundaries
If you are currently enrolled in MCEP and do NOT reside within the Marysville School District, you MUST apply for a “Choice Transfer” from the District within which you reside. To ensure you are in the lottery please make sure to have ALL documents turned in during the Annual In-district Transfer month.
Once your student is enrolled...
Please connect with your classroom coordinator to see what other documentation is needed for volunteer approvals, field trip participation, meeting requirements and dates, etc.
One of the many things that makes our program so great is the opportunity to work closely with our students and teachers. Listed below are the commitments our families make when joining Marysville Cooperative Education Program.
Volunteering in the Classroom: Each family commits to 2 ½ hours per week of parent/guardian participation in classroom service per child enrolled in the program, per year, as needed by teachers.
Field Trips: Each family commits to chaperoning and/or driving on at least 2 field trips per student per school year. Field trips are an integral part of the Co-op, providing students with a vast array of learning experiences not available in the classroom.
Membership Meetings: There are 8 Monthly Membership meetings, typically held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. There are two parts to the meeting, program wide and classroom. In the classroom portion you will receive information on specific to your class. In the program wide portion you will receive updates on the program as a whole, nominate and vote on council officers.
Committees: Each family participates in one committee per child in the program. There are many different committees to choose from, some are in the classroom while others are program wide.
Monetary Donation: In the Co-op – field trips, for example – are funded solely from parent/guardian support. Parents/guardians are asked to pledge $20 per child enrolled in the Co-op each month school is in session.
Once the Annual In-district transfer period has closed, students will be placed on a space available basis.
If there are more applicants than space available per grade level, all names of new applicants for that grade level will be placed in a lottery.
If a lottery is necessary for new applicants, the names of the students will be drawn and ranked in order, starting with those that have siblings currently enrolled in MCEP. Students will be accepted based on available space. All others will be put on a waiting list.
If space becomes available, the next student on the waitlist will be contacted. Families will have two business days to accept or decline the position. If they decline, the next name on the waiting list will be notified and they shall have two business days to accept or decline.