Council Officers

Here at MCEP approved volunteer educators, or the General Membership is lead by a Council consisting of elected officers, all Co-op teachers, and principals.  It is the Council’s responsibility to make decisions based on the welfare and needs of the General Membership.  Each elected Council position is filled by an MCEP member, and includes the following officers, number of positions available, and terms.

For a full description of each elected Council position please refer to our Policies and Procedure Manual located under Resources Filing Cabinet: Bylaws 

Marc Jenks

Laura Gavala

The Co-chairs are responsible for conducting Council and General Membership Meetings. They use Robert’s Rules of Order for parliamentary procedure. The Co-chairs ensure that the following business is conducted in a timely manner according to the bylaws and policies & procedures. The Co-chairs work closely with the principal, the Treasurer, and all members of the Council to facilitate the completion of business and see that the mission of the Co-op is carried out.

two year term, two officers

Raena Quinn

Josi Wilson

The Public Relations Chairperson is responsible for promoting the Co-op, both within and outside of the Marysville School District. They will oversee the creation, publication and distribution of Co-op brochures and applications, as well as maintaining MCEP website (or finding a suitable replacement).

The Public Relations Chairperson works with the administrative staff within the school as well as on the district level collecting all applications for MCEP and notifies wait-listed families when a vacancy occurs. 

The Public Relations Chairperson will give tours of the school to interested parents and community members, conducts information sessions for prospective families, and coordinates the new Parent Orientations. 

two year term, two officers

Stephanie O'Dell

The Classroom Coordinator Team Leaders will train incoming CC’s. The CC Lead maintains Jovial and gives approval of all document submission, in doing so they will record completion of all volunteer and member documentation and work closely with CCs to obtain all necessary information.

CC Lead is responsible for organizing and reviewing all monthly general meeting sign in sheets, as well as work with CCs to complete any necessary documentation of ill-standing. 

CC Lead works closely with CCs and Co-Chairs throughout the year. 

two year term, one officer

Jessica Albright-Huntington

The Field Trip Coordinator Team Lead is responsible for training all new incoming Field Trip Coordinators as well as ongoing support throughout the year. The FTC Lead reviews Field Trip documentation provided by the FTC for each classroom. FTC Lead will also review Jovial to make sure assigned volunteers are eligible for participation and in which capacity (driver or chaperone).

two year term, one officer

Erika Moe Jennifer DeHaven

Alicia Coragiulo Karis Eikenberry

Rose Dominguez

Stephanie VanderHelm

Sarah Smallwood

CCs are a key part of the Co-op's structure. They support and assist the teacher, while supporting and representing the parents in their class. They act as facilitators, elected representatives, communicators and role models.

Only one Classroom Coordinator per classroom is elected by the families at their grade level each spring. 

Teachers rely on CCs to act as their go-between with parents. CCs set the classroom work schedule with members, based on the teacher's needs. CCs may write descriptions of Classroom Committees and assign members to them. They may assist volunteers who need to find a substitute. They are relentlessly helpful and take their responsibility to represent their class seriously.

one year term, one officer per classroom

Vanessa Taylor

The Co-op Secretary is responsible for taking accurate minutes of every Council and General Membership Meeting, and submitting the minutes to the co-chairs. 

Working with Co-chairs, the Secretary is responsible for tracking and updating changes to MCEP’s bylaws and the Policy and Procedure Manual.

The Secretary makes arrangements for the reservation of meeting rooms for all Council and General Membership Meetings. This is generally done at the beginning of each school year, working with the school Secretary.

two year term, one officer

Jessica Canavan

The initial roll of the Treasurer is to collect donations and fundraising monies. The Treasurer is responsible for keeping all financial records organizes, including bank statements and presenting budget to council and general membership when the time arises. Upon request, they also disburse funds to teachers and complete reimbursements. 

Treasurer must have bookkeeping or accounting experience.

two year term, one officer

Travis Stockstill

Jessy Heyd

The Administrative Liaison represents the MCEP program to the Marysville School District Superintendent, the school board, other elementary schools and their principals. The Liaison works with the Co-op and the Marysville School District on specific issues and concerns, keeping the best interests of the Co-op and the good of the overall program in mind, maintaining and enhancing the credibility and public relations of the program.

two year term, one or two officers

Rebecca Curtis

The PTSA Liaison serves as a bridge between the Co-op and the PTSA. The Liaison reports on Co-op activities to the PTSA at its business meetings, and reports on PTSA business at Co-op Council meetings.

one year term, one officer

Shawna Reeves

The Tribal Liaison is appointed by the Tulaltip Tribes. 

Their ultimate goal is to develop and foster a positive relationship between MCEP and Tulalip Tribes. They also inform tribes and council of possible events that could benefit each other

one year term, one officer

Sandy Guerra

The Newsletter Editor is responsible for publishing the Co-op's newsletter. A newsletter will be published following each Council Meeting. The Newsletter Editor sets submittal deadlines; generally, all articles need to be to the Editor by the first Tuesday after the Council Meeting.

two year term, one person