
There are many ways you can help with the monetary needs of MCEP

Member Donations – donated to fund the activities of the class for the school year (field trips, class parties, misc classroom expenses, etc) Each parent can give their monthly donation online using PayPal or Venmo.

Corporate Matching & Community Donations – donated by employers and local businesses to fund the activities of the classes for the school year.  These can be turned into the school directly or use the donate button at the bottom of the page.

Auction Fundraiser – profits fund the expenses of the Student Success Initiative Committee, activities of the classes for the school year, and durable goods (items that will benefit the classroom now and into the future – equipment, furniture, books, etc)

Any “general” donations would be treated as classroom donations and divided equally among the classrooms.

How can you donate? 

Credit or Debit Card

Credit and Debit cards are accepted at each monthly in person general meeting. 

If you choose to use this feature, please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to meeting start so you have time to meet with our program treasurer.


You can donate via Venmo at anytime via @MCEPoption

Please note which Teacher / Classroom you are donating to. All "general" donations will be put into general fund and split evenly.

Cash or Check

Cash and Checks are always accepted during in person general meetings, sometimes in classroom meetings. 

Make checks payable to "MCEP",  memo teacher name

You can also place in an envelope, note your classroom or teacher, and leave in the small locked drop box at Marshall, near the t-shirt case in the office / entry area. Please be sure to NOT leave these items in the PTSA box. While we will be able to retrieve it, it can add time to processing. 

Did you know, you can help with donations while you shop?

Fred Meyer rewards also offers donations to Marysville Cooperative Education Program. Log into your Fred Meyer account using your member number or phone number. Go to "my account", left hand side click "community rewards".

*NOTE Fred Meyers lists MCEP as Marysville Cooperative Education Partnership

*All community giving proceeds will be deposited to the general fund and split evenly.

In a normal school year, it is easy to see where our donation and fundraising dollars go, with volunteer days, class projects, parties and field trips. I'd like to share with you some of what our teachers have been doing with co-op classroom funds this year during distance and hybrid learning.

Mrs Brickey purchased Kindergarten classroom books to send home with kids to be used in their small reading groups while online. During online instruction, she sent supplies home for students to help keep up the classroom culture. When it was time to return in person, she got additional supply bins and drawers. "So many things that would have been impossible without the support of our families. - Kari Brickey"   

Mrs Green got her Kindergarteners education break options when they needed a screen-break. These were a big help when building fine motor muscles, such as legos, sidewalk chalk, chalkboards and playdough. Dice and counters being normal "in class" tools were bought in larger quantities so she could send sets home with kids. Lots of these could also be used in learning STEM (science technology engineering math) 

Mrs Schaffler and Mrs Perdue  were able to buy supplies to help engage their 1st graders during Zoom class. Lots of books to use for guided reading and reading groups so their students could have real books just like they would in class even though they were all online. Fun gifts were sent home for holiday class party zooms and prizes purchased for the Monday-FunDay/Friday Fun drawings. Adding some great storage to their classroom is helping their kiddos stay organized during social distancing in-person learning such as drawers and bins and a yoga mat to make reading fun, for each desk! "We could never have done those things without the co-op's help. - Amy Schaffler"

Mrs Malloy and Mrs Jenkins have been sprucing up their 2nd grade Zoom Celebrations and purchasing items for them and their students to transition to in-person learning while making social distancing FUN! They created "School Survival Kits" for their students, as well as their classroom-management privilege system (privilege cards earn special colored pens, mechanical pencils, cool bookmarks, and so much more!) 

Mrs Tennis got her 3rd grade class a subscription to "guided readers" book club! They also took a virtual field trip to the Burke Museum and Seattle Aquarium! That's AWESOME!! 

Mrs Barclay had the opportunity to send her 4th graders home with items for holiday celebrations and science activities. Desktop helpers, velcro dots to help with social distancing and lots of other things!

Mr Palmer and Mrs Novy bought books for their 4th/5th and 5th grade classrooms so students could take them home a few each during distance learning! Lots of STEM supplies were sent home so the kids could continue hands-on learning. "It was awesome to have lots of materials available for students. Thank you co-op! -Hank Palmer"

Mrs Novy has her 5th grade group for the second year in a row (she taught 4th grade last year). She wanted to step up her book supply. "Books are expensive but so important to constantly refresh our book choices. According to our website data, our total amount of books read by our class is now at 560 books! - Mrs Novy"