Welcome to MCEP at Marshall Elementary
MCEP – Marysville Cooperative Education Program – is a very special program within Marshall Elementary and Marysville School District. MCEP is not a private, alternative or homeschool. It is an innovative program that when your student is enrolled, allows you to be a more active participant in your children’s education. While we do have our own standards, funding, and bylaws, we are a public school program. That means we abide by and are held to the Marysville School District’s standards and rules. MCEP shares a building, Specialists (Library, Music, Art and PE) as well as lunch and recess at Marshall Elementary School. MCEP and Marshall work together and support each other, which allows for a supportive environment for your children to learn and grow.
If you'd like to submit a testimonial, please send to info.mcep@gmail.com
Our family loves the co-op and fully believe it has enriched our lives in its entirety, because of the connections, experiences and common goal we all share. It reminds me of my big fat Greek wedding- in education and community. You share experiences, forge bonds, and the kids make connections otherwise unachievable in fundamental years; while learning and engaging, with all hands on deck. - Danielle
We moved to Washington in 2010, but I really didn't feel like we were meant to be here until my oldest started Kinder at MCEP in 2015. I love being involved in my kids education, and my kids love me being there. We all look forward to my "work days". Being in class while they learn has helped me understand the curriculum, and having a better understanding of their school work helps me - help them.
Selfishly, some of my favorite people are other coop families. I love that my kids friends parents are some of my best friends! Creating relationships with other parents and our teachers has meant the world to me. - Jen
Knowing not only my kids friends but their friends parents took such a stress off me as my kiddos started their school experience. From there, those friendships continue to grow in inexplicable ways. Not only for my kids but for me too! Additionally, my kids are confident when speaking to adults and making eye contact which I believe can be attributed to so many adults in their classrooms for so many years.
I love MCEP because of the partnerships it creates between kids, parents and teachers. My three children went through this program and now my granddaughter is in 4th grade in MCEP. I am truly blessed to be a teacher in MCEP! - Shawn, MCEP 2nd grade teacher
It has given me deep lifelong friendships. It deepened my connection with my own children because we made friendships with entire families. - Kirsten, MCEP kindergarten teacher
I love MCEP because of the amazing people I have met. Some of my favorite people in the world are former parents and now lifelong friends. - Karin, 1st Grade Teacher
The communication I have received from both of my kids teachers has always been amazing. This year, they knocked it out of the park. I can't imagine deciphering my kids school work without the in-class experiences before closures and the constant communication and reassurance I received from teachers. What a blessing they have been. I'm so thankful for the MCEP community!!